Thermoelectric materials based on single crystal A
专利名称:Thermoelectric materials based on single
crystal AlInN—GaN grown by metalorganicvapor phase epitaxy
发明人:Nelson Tansu,Hua Tong,Jing Zhang,Guangyu
Liu,Gensheng Huang
摘要:The invention is a thermoelectric device fabricated by growing a single crystal
AlInN semiconductor material on a substrate, and a method of fabricating same. In apreferred embodiment, the semiconductor material is AlInN grown on and lattice-matched to a GaN template on a sapphire substrate, and the growth is performed usingmetalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE).
申请人:Nelson Tansu,Hua Tong,Jing Zhang,Guangyu Liu,Gensheng Huang
地址:Bethlehem PA US,Allentown PA US,Bethlehem PA US,Bethlehem PAUS,Bethlehem PA US
代理机构:Saul Ewing LLP